Monday, January 04, 2010

Meal Plan Monday!

Well, back to the real world here. UGH. I love being on vacation. We will see how my arm feels this week. I am hoping I start to feel a bit better. It takes forever to get ready in the morning. I like the whole eating from the pantry idea, but at the moment, I am feeling quite disorganized, and I am not sure what is even IN my pantry! I am going to try this for the month though.

Our menu highlight for last week had to be the beef tenderloin, SO good! Cooked perfectly and has made some great leftovers!

Dinner - Feeling a little uninspired today, probably from being in a food coma for the past two weeks ;).
Plans - Catch up on the house

Dinner - whatever anyone brings
Plans - Junior League Committee Meeting at sister J's

Dinner - Oven Baked Frito Pie (I have never made this, but it sounds like something the boy would like)
Plans - Catch up at home

Dinner - out with the boys parents
Plans - picking up the boys parents from the airport

Dinner - St. Paul Grille
Plans - St. Paul Chamber Orchestra

Dinner - out most likely
Plans - movies with the kids

Dinner - Boys Parents most likely
Plans - Movies maybe?


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

dee dee said...

I should try your plan this week and eat out more .. eat in less!
You will have to let us know how the new dish is! Dee Dee