Wednesday was the last nice day that we have seen here. So the boy and I went for a long walk around the lake before dinner, which was SO nice.
Thursday was filled with client meetings but I was lucky enough to have lunch with a friend that I had not seen in a year. I used to work with her husband and in the past year they have moved to the 'burbs, had their second child and life has changed for them. It was really fun to catch up with her and I am having lunch with her husband this week! It was nice to be downtown, but it was a long day. After meetings, I met up with the boy, sisters J, S and her husband at Cocktails for a Cause to benefit Pacemaker 5000-the Race for Children's Health which was located at The Grand Hotel in Mpls. There was entertainment, food, a silent auction, raffle and of course cocktails. We had a really good time, but after having such a long day, in new 3 1/2 inch new Tahari heels which I just love, but by the end of the night were not loving my feet, I was SO happy to see my bed!
My days have been filled with back to back meetings, which leaves me only the evenings to deal with emails and actually getting work done. So Friday was spent catching up and figuring out this week as the rest of my colleagues left for AUS and NZ. I was supposed to join them, however, this is the week that the boy and I head to Vegas with the rest of his family, so I will join them on the next junket. It also looks as though I will be heading back to Boston straight from Vegas. . .
No diner/movie date for us Friday night, I was beat, we grabbed some Vietnamese dinner and had an early night. I am not one to sleep in, but I can't tell you how wonderful it felt Saturday morning. Saturday morning, we also woke up to this.
The boy and I ran some errands, hit an estate sale or two, and then did some cleaning. Sister J along with Max and T came over for dinner. We had a really nice time and the girls and I were able to polish off a few bottles of wine. . . and some tasty wine at that. I made Swedish meatballs which were not too bad. I really wanted to be more creative, but seriously, I couldn't turn on those creative juices and I just resigned myself to easy. It was fun though, and I just have so much fun hanging out with those girls. No drama, easy conversation, and the boy really enjoys himself as well. The girls and I were talking, and something strange occurred to all of us, all three of us, each only have one sister, and each of us are about 1 1/2 apart in age. The three of us also, all have sisters who are married with children and we are single sans children (sister S is actually due June 13th, I cannot wait and sister J is very excited to be an Auntie). Pretty unusual. We spent part of the evening chatting about incidents with our sisters in our pasts. There were some pretty funny stories. . . we talked about being competitive, sharing clothes, what we learned from one another and NOT sharing boyfriends. We also talked about how different we all are from our sisters. I think for the most part, if you met each of our sisters, you would never even know we were related to one another. Good stuff.
Sunday, I did NOT get to sleep in. My parents were at my house by 8:00 am. We went to an estate sale where I bought a new desk (pictures to come) and the boy bought the neatest book shelf. Then we had brunch, looked at some houses and THEN I got to veg. For about 15 minutes. Always things to do, right? On our way up to the boys house yesterday afternoon, more of that white stuff came down from the sky, again. I have seriously had it people.
We had dinner with the boys parents Sunday night, grilling steaks while the white stuff fell, but the steaks sure did taste good. Thursday morning the boy and his whole family and I leave for Vegas where it is going to be in the 80's and 90's and completely sunny. I am really looking forward to some nice warm weather. I am a little worried about going on a vacation with someone elses family. And to Vegas. Truth be told, I am not the biggest "Vegas" person. I have been 8 times before. Never dropped one dime gambling. I am not a big gambler. The pool and some of the restaurants I am looking forward to, just relaxing and catching up on some reading. But seriously when you think about a relaxing vacation, do you think of Vegas? I think of cheese. I also do not know what to expect when I think about trying to coordinate doing things on a vacation in Vegas with 8 other people, and not everyone shares the same taste, so that should be interesting as well. Sister J made a good comment though, she said if you go in with low expectations you are bound to have a good time. I wouldn't say that I have low expectations, but I will say that I am a little cautious going into it. We could not even coordinate going to the airport together, everyone wanted to do their own thing. . . .
I am hoping to have a quiet week going into the Vegas trip so that I don't have to work while in Vegas. What is on your schedule for the week? I am actually hoping to get HALF of my Ta-Da List for the week done before I leave this week!
Yes! Vegas!!!!!!!
I'm with ya on the Vegas front.. not my first choice for a place to go. I also hate gambling.. it is pointless.
Regardless, have a good time!
Vegas, then Boston! Ohhh, have fun, missy!!!
Ha! Vacations with other families are just..different, I agree just take a book and try to enjoy!
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