The parties were a lot of fun this weekend, I will post photos later. Friday started out with dinner with the boy and my parents at one of my dad and I's favorite Vietnamese places. Very good, and the boy really liked it as well. I was still not feeling too hot, so we just stayed in and watched some tv after that though. Saturday I went to a couple of sales with my mother and for a drive, picked up some things at Super Target to make pigs in blankets to take with to the parties as well as a couple of cute witch plates to put them on. After a nap and getting ready, I headed to the boys to deliver his costume (he still did not know what we would be going as). When I walked in, he asked where my costume was. I said I was wearing it of course. He did not really find that much humor in this. I had my kelly green wool cable knit polo sweater, pink ls polo (collar popped of course), khakis, argyle socks, black patent RL loafers, pearls and Three Chicakdees madras headband and matching watchband as well as an Eliza B. pink and green argyle belt to match my socks. Okay true, yes, this was a pretty typical outfit for me, maybe a little bit more over the top than I would usually go (although he did not think so). For the boy I had a pair of RL Nantucket red twills, a stripe polo (collar popped of course), yellow cable RL sweater tied over the shoulders, argyle socks and sperry topsiders (I found him a great pair of gray ones with green accents on clearance at Marshall's for $10). He was appreciative of the fact that I thought of him and took care of his costume during such a busy time for him, but he really was just not sure about it at all. He kept saying the pants were pink and that he looked like a gay Ken doll. I of course thought he looked adorable and that we looked pretty good together but oh well!
The first party we got to kind of late because it started at 4 and we did not get there until just past 6:30, but it was mainly couples and kids so it was okay. Everyone there knew who we were, the preppy couple, and there were some great costumes there, an awesome Captain Morgan and a pretty good Cleopatra, the kids were cute and having a good time as well. The boys brother and his girlfriend finally showed up, and the boy and his brother were dressed as complete opposites. His brother was dressed as a long haired scary looking Harley guy. His girlfriend was a French Maid. She has her own cleaning service, so that was kind of funny. They went with us to the next party which was a blast.
J had an 80's Halloween party and EVERYONE had excellent costumes and put a ton of thought and time into them. There was George Michael who looked awesome, Slash, Mr. T, Pat from SNL, a couple of Madonna's, Cindy Lauper, the MTV astronaut and just some really good costumes overall. It was a lot of fun and it was really good to see some old friends from work that I do not have the opportunity to hang out with very often. The boy hit the WOP that was there along with his brother. The fruit had been soaking in Everclear for 24 hours so I guess it was pretty potent. Neither of them are very big drinkers so they were both lit when we left and hurting pretty badly yesterday. I really was still not feeling well, fighting this crud and just pretty beat. Could not wait to get back to the boy's and just crawl into bed and go to sleep. No drinking for me really, I am feeling a bit more like myself today, but I still have these coughing fits from a tickle in my throat all of the time and still pretty tired. A couple of more days and hopefully I will be back to normal.
Yesterday the boy and I took it easy. The house is on the market and had it's first Open House yesterday which went really well. We grabbed some lunch, our pumpkins and saw The Prestige which we both really liked. Then we went up to his parents for Sunday dinner where I met his next oldest brother. He lives up on the Canadian border and they are not very close, so he doesn't see him that often, but it was nice to meet him.
We are going to have some wings, carve pumpkins and watch the Vikings hopefully beat the Pat's tonight. He has not carved a pumpkin since he was a kid, so this should be fun and it was his idea. Tomorrow I will most likely have to talk him into passing out candy and hanging out at home since he wants to be a spoil sport and not be home, but we will see.
It was a good weekend overall, except for the crud, and I love spending time with him, I just cannot imagine what life is going to be like without him hear. I am still holding out for hope though. He put in a request to Medical last week for lasik surgery which would put him on a 90 day medical hold. He has not heard back yet, we are waiting to see. He also is going to talk to them at drills this weekend about his shoulder and such. I am still going to keep my fingers crossed and I know it is selfish of me, but I have just gotten to the comfortable part of this relationship and I am not sure if I am willing to give it up right now.
" A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks." — Charles Gordy
Hope you recovered in time to really enjoy the parties, Jilly - they sound like a blast, can't wait to see pics!
A vision of preppiness!
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