I made it to book club last night, but barely. On my way there I thought about my friends on the rooftop at Stella's for HH and I was thinking it would just be so much easier to go and hang out with people I already know rather than try to meet a bunch of complete strangers that I may not like. So I was on my way to Stella's when I decided maybe I should stop complaining about how hard it is too meet people here in MN and actually just give this a try.
There were a group of about 13 girls and they all seemed very nice. Only one was married and only one had children, so girls I might actually have something in common with. For the most part I think they are a lot younger than me, but that is okay, no biggie there. We actually discussed the book which was really nice too. We read "Little Earthquakes" by Jennifer Weiner and for the most part I think we all enjoyed it even though we did pick it apart.
The boy got the house that he had put a bid in on last week, so he is excited about that. He closes on 9/12, his birthday. What does this mean for me? Well, I probably am not going to see that much of him unless I offer to help with the house, which is probably what I will wind up doing, and I really don't mind I am sure it will be fun. We were invited to dinner at his brother and his brother's girlfriends tomorrow night. I really wish I would have had more notice, I need to get a housewarming/hostess gift and I would like to wrap it really nicely and such. Maybe I will run over to Williams Sonoma or Crate and Barrel tomorrow and put something nice together. I don't know them very well though, so I am just going to have to use my best judgment. I also told the boy to make sure that he finds out what we can bring. If nothing else there is always wine but we will see. He said she is a good cook, so I am sure that it will be a good time.
Saturday is my sister and her husbands Mystery Beer Party. That should be a lot of fun and the weather is supposed to be fabulous. I am really looking forward to it and even have a couple of friends that are coming. I am looking forward to seeing the more social aspects of the boy as well. He has reserves the next two weeks, but that is why I am really glad that I am going out East for a bit, it will be easier not to think about him so much if I am really busy like that.
Have not decided what to wear yet for the party. I guess it depends on the weather. My sister and her family will of course be in tye-dye (YUCK), I will find something pink for sure! The boy needs some help in the clothes department, I will have to be careful about how I approach this one, but with a birthday on 9/12 it will be a perfect opportunity for me to buy him "gifts"!
Ta! More tomorrow!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
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