Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Movie Review - Friends with Benefits

Tonight the boy and I decided to skip the yard work and planting that needed to get done and check out a screening of the new Justin Timberlake/Mila Kunis movie Friends with Benefits.
We both really enjoyed it, I gave it a 9 the boy gave it an 8. I am loving JT lately. He is really funny and just a character. The movie had some wonderful scenery, a wonderful cast (I loved Woody Harrelson) and some serious laugh out loud funny parts!
We would both recommend the film and I don't even consider it a chick flick.
It has ben too long since the boy and I have relaxed, enjoyed life and taken in the free screenings our area has to offer. We need to remind ourselves to do this more often.
We did get an errand done prior to the film, more to come on that and some pictures in the morning.

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