Saturday the boy and I hosted an annual family get-together at my sisters. We did all of the food, set up, clean up and such. We had it at my sisters because there are five kids under 9 and neither of our homes are that child proof, but at the same time it wasn't really all that fair for the two families with kids to just keep swapping back and forth having to host, so I figured I would help out. It is my mom's two best girlfriends from childhood through college and their families. We have known them our whole lives, family vacations, holidays, weddings and unfortunately, this year a funeral.
We do a cookie exchange, gift exchange, have dinner and Santa has been making a visit for the past three years. It is always a really good time. This year we woke up to this, which made the day magical.
I did cookie baskets this year, I stuck in a framed photo of the three matriarchs from the previous year, sitting on Santa's lap. They voted me best in presentation again this year, but I do enjoy putting them together. I am not a very good baker, so this is mainly dipped pretzels, marshmallow popcorn, snack mixes and such. I am already thinking about next year of course.
The food was okay. I was not pleased with the way that everything turned out. There are about 20 of us, so I have to think about something to fix for a lot of people, then I have to do so at my sisters, which is not as equipped as my own house. I made BBQ ribs in the crock-pot, macaroni and cheese (thinking this would be good for the little ones) and a mashed potato bake. It was okay but definitely not one of my better meals. My sister has zero seasonings in her house, even salt and pepper are a challenge, can you even imagine? Santa made his appearance which was a lot of fun, although it is a childhood friend of my sister and I, and he really gets a kick out of telling my niece and nephews how I made the naughty list again, then they tease me. It is getting a little old for me though. But again, I was already not feeling very well on this day, so I think that my sense of humor was not itself either.

We got hit with another snow storm Sunday, and I really was not feeling great. The boy and I were supposed to go to my house, have a nice turkey dinner and exchange our gifts. That didn't happen though. We wrapped gifts, he plowed the driveway and we ordered a pizza, but the roads were really too bad to travel anywhere. So our gift exchange would have to wait.
Christmas Eve is spent with my family. Exchanging gifts, eating and heading to Christmas Eve mass. The gifts and paper were flying. We both got some great gifts from my family and had a lot of fun watching them open their gifts. This is what we brought over to my parents (the boy was a great help wrapping).
We got my niece an American Girl doll this year, Julie, she was quite a hit.
I struggled through Christmas Eve, at this point just thinking I had a migraine and knowing I just had to get through it, especially for these guys. Grant got glasses right before Christmas, I think he looks even more handsome!
Christmas Day morning we woke up and headed over to my parents to see what Santa had brought and to have breakfast (I saw these on another blog and just had to make them for the kids, I love the plate too!).
I was really struggling now at this point, but knew I had to keep motoring through. Needless to say, I was not in the best mood and the whole thing was kind of a blur.
We got back to the boys and got changed and ready, packed up the gifts for his family (I spent a good hour on the bathroom floor) and then we headed over to his mom and dad's to join them for their Christmas celebration.
We were late, due to me, and I was REALLY struggling at this point, but we played games,
had some dinner, and opened gifts.
His dad surprised all of us with a trip to Vegas in May. We were all very surprised and he did not leave a dry eye in the house as he presented the gift to the boys mom and then the kids, thanking the boys mom for getting through her heart surgery and then all of us kids for being such a big help during that time.
It was really nice. And now we have another trip to look forward to!
Needless to say, I did not make it through the day and wound up in his parents bathroom floor and then got back to the boys where I was in pain for the next 48 hours. I still have no idea what this is. Not a migraine but also, not fun.
The boy and I finally managed to exchange gifts December 27th. We made it back to my house finally and had a fire and ordered Chinese take-out. I have not had a lot of energy and thought that just some soup I would be okay with. I seemed to be for the most part. The boy got me some very nice gifts, and practical. New towels, pink and I love them, new sheets, pink plaid flannel and I love them, some things off of my list and after commenting on A Study of Schoolbooks & Shoes: Silly Monkey (thanks Libby!) I was lucky enough to get one of my own, I love it!
Friday I did get some work done, from bed though, still not 100%. It had been a while since the boy and I had seen any movies, and we were quite behind, sooooo, we decided to take in a triple feature. Atonement, Sweeney Todd and National Treasure 2. We enjoyed all of them but I still think I like Juno better than those three. After 7 hours of movies, I was still feeling okay, so I was hoping this was all behind me.
Saturday we hit an estate sale where we found some great books and the boy found a drill press. We then began our quest to pick up the things needed for Sunday which was the Junior League Eve of Eve gala. The boy needed a new suit, I decided I would like a new dress (even though there were quite a few in my closet that still had tags on them that were just begging to be worn, this was a good excuse, right?) and then of course everything to go with it. We were supposed to have done all of this the Sunday before, but with the snow and me not feeling well, well, it didn't happen. I found a great black full length that I knew would work nicely, and then of course the CUTEST fancy shoes to go with it. The boy had SO much fun trying on suits, picking out shirts and ties and then we decided a new dress overcoat would be needed as well. He was like a little boy at Christmas all over again though. He loves getting dressed up.
After our shopping, we met up with my parents downtown for dinner. We had gotten them tickets to see A Christmas Carol for Christmas and decided to treat them to dinner as well. We went to one of our favorite places, M & S Grill and had a very nice dinner. That was a long day for me, not sure if I over did it, but I was pretty beat the next day, which of course was Eve of Eve.
We went to sister J's before for a little pre-party which was very nice. I had not seen her place since the boy had finished painting and it really turned out nice and the colors and decor were wonderful.
There were a group of 8 of us that went together and we had a really good time.
I was not really myself though, not really feeling that well and could barely make it through the night. This was the first year that they had this gala and it went pretty well, some kinks that need to be worked out yet, but overall a good time.
Monday, the actual NYE, I woke up and had taken about 10 paces backwards in the recovery process. So I spent that day in bed unfortunately and had to let sister S know that we would not be over for the quaint little dinner party that she had planned and I was so looking forward to. The boy kept me company, we had a fire, played some Scrabble and watched the re-run marathon of the Next Food Network Star (I was pulling for Amy from the beginning). More broth and toast for me, SO boring, I feel like I did not get to eat anything all that great through the holidays.
New Years Day we decided to venture out to the movies again, something easy and I needed to get out of the house, and we saw The Great Debaters. Very good movie. I have been back in bed most of this week though, not fun, a lot of sleep, sore tummy and headaches. I think it is just something I need to work through, and I do have moments when I feel good so we will see.
Tonight we are going to try to hit a couple of movies again, not sure what we will see, but I would still like to see The Golden Compass, Enchanted, Charlie Wilsons War and PS I Love You, I think the boy saves chick flicks for last hoping that they will leave the theater before we get a chance to see them, but I think I am owed a few at this point.
We have no plans for the weekend, an estate sale tomorrow and hopefully working on a couple of projects, I am hoping to magically fully recover over the weekend so that I can eat the things that I have been missing (we have a TON of cookies here) and so that I can feel better for next week. We are volunteering together at Bridging for JLM on Tuesday and then have a gala next Saturday (another good reason for the boy to wear his suit), I would really just like to feel like myself again and have some energy. My Christmas decorations are half up/half down, when I get a surge of energy I try to get things done but those moments seem to come and go. I also am hosting my dad's retirement party here next Sunday. Yep, he has finally FULLY retired. Closed the door to the office in the office and is headed for greener courses. My mom has spent this past year closing shops and finalizing some details so that they can spend more time in AZ. SO we figured it only fitting to send him off in style. We are doing a brunch, or I should say I am although I know the boy will be a huge help and having about 28 family and friends here. I am HOPING I have more energy next week and can get the house back to the pre-Christmas condition that it was in. I have a few new additions that I want to put out and I have to re-do the mantle so a few challenges ahead, but right now it is nap time. Hope you are all well and enjoying the New Year!
Jilly, it sounds like an amazing Christmas despite your getting sick. So sorry about that, I can't imagine. You are so talented with the gifts, food, etc. WOW. Great photos! I'm sure you will enjoy Vegas, that was so nice, I bet there wasn't a dry eye.
That's a lot of Christmas for someone who wasn't feeling well! What are those little snowman doddles? Marshmallow? I'l love to know where you got the recipe. They're adorable.
Hope you're completely recovered and enjoying the New Year.
Oh Cindy you must make them for your daughter, she will LOVE them! They are miniature powdered donuts, candy corn and mini chocolate chips. I think they turned out pretty cute!
Jilly! Now we can be twins! You are such a trooper for getting through the hoiday when you were feeling so lousy- you wouldn't know it from any of the photos, you look charming in every one. :)
Congratulations to your Dad on his retirement, and best of luck with the party!
(ps: I think my word for 2008 will be Enchanted.)
Jilly, I hope you are feeling better now. I wanted you to know that I made your Pizza Stuffed pull aparts last night and they were a HUGE success. I made 2 batches (one just a cheese mixture!) and I have 3 left!!! Thanks for sharing your great recipes!!!
I have to agree with Libby, you really do look lovely in all the photos even if you were feeling lousy.
SB will go crazy over those snowman treats ... the next time I'm at the grocery store pre-blizzard I will be sure to get the ingredients.
Happy 2008 to you and the Boy.
Wow, thanks for sharing all the family memories, looks like you all had a blast. Sorry you weren't feeling well through it all.
I just found your blog and wanted to stop by and say hello.
Have a happy new year.
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