Thursday, December 13, 2007

Project of the week! Dining Room Chairs!

A few weeks back, the boy and I picked up a new dining room table and chairs for my house. I love it, I really liked my old one too, don't get me wrong, but this one I just love. I have six matching chairs, they are what they call shield back, one is the captains. A pedestal table with three leaves. It is solid mahogany so unless I find something I like better at an estate sale, I am going to have this one for along time.

The week before we picked this up, I was in a fabric store buying fabric for my bulletin board, and came across some fabric that I really liked that was on close-out. When the boy and I had recovered our chairs to begin with, we both had a hard time finding fabrics that we liked, so I thought why not pick this up and just save it, you never know. I am really glad that I did. Here are some before and after shots of the chairs, we cleaned the wood up with a polish and stuff. I am very pleased with the way they turned out.
Before Photos

After Photos

I decided to do two different fabrics, the two end chairs have the light rust and off-white and the side chairs have a green with butter, I just love the way they turned out. It is so easy to change the fabric on chairs, but I think that this is a fabric that will go pretty well with everything.

Just in time, my wine club is here tonight at my house, 35 club members plus a couple of friends, a houseful anyway. Last night we saw a sneak preview of Juno, great movie, see it if you have a chance, it opens Friday and I am sure will be an Academy Award nominee. Have a great Thursday!

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