Come on in the front door. I have the old fashioned push button lights which I love. I also have radiators which I am not a huge fan of, out East I had them but they all had attractive covers, ahhh, another thing for the list.
I want to paint the legs and arms of this chair and this table, but the boy keeps telling me not too, what do you think? That pillow wound up there yesterday when I moved it from my office. I don't think it is going to stay, ah, its gone already!
We weren't sure where these chairs were going to go, but they sort of fell into place here and now I have a little reading nook. The picture I love hanging there, art deco apple blossoms, great frame, $1 at an auction with my dad.
Right now I am in search of picture frames that go with the room better. My favorite places for cute and unique picture frames are Marshall's, TJ Maxx and Home Goods. Another thing on the list! I am also looking for a little rug to put in this area. Something simple and I would love a round one.
My mom made the bark cloth pillows for me for Christmas last year. She and I have very similar taste so she always tells me how much fun it is to shop for me. I have NO problem with that. These two chairs the boy and I actually picked up at an estate sale last winter for $20. I love them, they are scotch guarded, had just been reupholstered and are very comfortable. I love the built ins here. I would love to have a bunch of antique books in here, but they tend to be darker so they would be hard to see, plus I have so many books, it is hard to find room for them!
This lamp is a Goodwill $5 purchase. The lampshade Target Boutique of course. I have my turkey candle holder out for the upcoming holiday. The girls and I got into the tarot cards a bit a couple of weeks ago, we are not very good at reading them yet though. I always have candy in dishes all over the place. When the kids come over they fill their pockets and then it is time to re-fill the dishes. Need new frames here too, on the list. New Yankee candle, plum and fig and smells oh so good.
Another auction picture, perfect spot for it I think. I need curtains in this room too, another thing the boy and I have spoken about, it will happen. . .one day. The throw there was another good Target find and keeps my tootsies cozy since we have not had a fire yet!
This is where the boy unwinds and catches up on the evening shows or reads.
I also would like to paint this table. Again the boy says leave it, so it is more on the "bottom" of my project list. That is Brad swimming around in there. He is just over a year old. That is what I think that cat was eyeing last week. The rug was a $90 Home Goods find. The brown round pillows Target Boutique, the wool houndstooth are from the boy for Christmas last year, they are the fall/winter pillows.
I have been collecting vintage plaid luggage and picnic items for quite a few years now. Some people wonder if I am going on a trip when they see this. I like to display different collections. The black piece is either going to be replaced with an estate sale find when I find it, or it IS going to get painted. I REALLY do not like it black, but that is the color it was when it came from The Cottage Shop, an occasional shop not far from my house. I need to get something that has a lot of storage though because you see all of those drawers are filled with games, cd's and such and the cabinets have DVD's and Wii games. I like the way you can really see the white ironstone in the built in on this side and would like to have enough iron stone to fill both sides. Again, work in progress, the hunt continues.
The fireplace where we have not had a fire yet this year, but soon I hope. I like to change the mantle every once in a while as well. It has been this way for a while though, I think until I decorate for Christmas this is the way that it will be and then I will switch things up. You never know what I may find in between now and then at an estate sale or at one of my treasure troves. I love the older pictures. I would REALLY like to paint the fireplace and have a new mantle, and get rid of the mirror. I am not super excited about the fireplace, but with a fire in it, everything changes.
The white little pumpkin on the far left we smuggled back in our suitcases from Chicago, we "picked" them up at Ditka's while having dinner. The other ones are from the dollar store. The picture behind it is of my mom and her siblings when she was little.
There's that baby head again. I actually have white lights strewn throughout the mantle so that in the evening it all lights up.
Well, thanks for stopping in. Next time maybe we will take a tour through my closet. I would love to show you my linen closet, but I am still waiting for Miss Lisagh to come and rearrange it since she did such a nice job with her cabinets. Hope you enjoyed the little tour, stop by anytime, my door is always open!
I like it much better without the brown leather. This is much much more your style!!!
wow! Thanks for having us over! Your living room looks so cozy! I can imagine how nice when the fire is roaring, they are the BEST.
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