Thursday, August 02, 2007

Blogland Bookclub (BEST BAG EVER!)

So my good friend over at Mere Glimpse posted a picture of the bag that she won from Workin' that Preppy a couple months back which made me recall that I had not yet posted a picture of my bag which I love and has been making the trip back and forth to the lake with me all summer.

This has been a wonderful bag to store all of my favorite reading materials for our floating library, those quiet evenings or just sitting out on the lawn.

I have loved the blogland bookclub, but sadly with kids going back to school she won't be keeping it up for the the Fall. Any takers if I keep it going until next Summer? I have loved all of the books that she has picked thus far and I will try to keep picking really good ones (perhaps she could even throw a couple of good reads my way!). I am reading a couple of really good books right now, but I love to read and would love to share it with others, what do you think?


Suz said...

I'd keep up with the bookclub

tulipmom said...

What a cute bag! Love the colors!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Love the bag!