Has been getting me through the last week, I know I shouldn't "dew" it, but the caffeine has really helped as of late.
I am going over to the boy's house that he closed on yesterday to help with the landscaping and clean up. He wants to be in and out of this one in three weeks at the max. I love working outside and it is a beautiful day so I will not mind it in the least. I have all of my tools and gloves with me as well as my rubber garden clogs. I think that he also wants to get in and out of this one quickly as he wants it on the market before he leaves, IF he has to go. Still not ready to talk about that though, not sure how I feel exactly.
I picked up pictures from my trip and from the past couple of weekends. I bought these really cute "friends" brag books with Lulu on the cover at this great shop in Anoka by my mom's store called "It's a Girl Thing". I just love the store. I need to get them in the books now, not sure when I will have time to do that but I would like to get them out to the girls by the weekend.
I also picked up the chair that I bought at one of my local haunts. I have found some great things there in the past and I need to remember to stop by more often. My latest treasure is a black leeather rocker. The leather is in perfect condition, but the wood parts need to be stripped and re-done which should not be a problem. I HATE the ottoman, but it was a package deal. This chair doesn't really fit in with my furnishings, but for $20 I could not pass it up and it is SO comfortable. I did have another thought too. I knew the boy would love it and he has been talking about building a library and I could just see it in his library so that was also in the back of my mind. I sent him the picture this morning and he loved it (but also agreed about the ottoman) and said that he would take it off of my hands if I did not want it. Hmmm, maybe I am getting to know him better than I thought!
It has been a rough one here at work, dealing with an Iowa issue. . . .my boss stopped by and said I hope you are out of here at 4:00 today, you need a break, so I think I am going to take her up on that!
When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice.
— William James
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