Monday, August 20, 2012

On the Table Monday (MPM) - Week 34

We had an awesome time at the lake. Six days, some good weather, some great weather. Lots of good food and good times with friends.

This week is yet another travel week, and we are packed with plans as soon as I get back into town. I cannot WAIT for next week to be home and cooking from the garden!!!

Plans - Out with co-workers, try to catch up on some work stuff
Dinner - Out

Plans - Going away party for a co-worker
Dinner - Out

Plans - I am not sure yet if I am going to be leaving late afternoon or Thursday morning, it depends on how meetings go. I was supposed to go with the boy and our friend J to see a show at the Guthrie called The Sunshine Boys, and have a ticket, but I won't be back in time (this is the second month in a row and I am SO bummed!).
Dinner - On the road or with co-workers

Plans - Hopefully I will be home, either in the morning or afternoon. We are taking my mom and dad to dinner and a show to celebrate my mom's birthday, should be fun!
Dinner - We are taking them to Cowboy Jack's which is close to the theater we are going to. Should be a fun night!

Plans - Sister J is coming into town YAHOO! We are heading to dinner at Capital Grill and then to the first Vikings Pre-Season game.
Dinner - Yummy, enough said!

Plans - We are heading out with a big group for a Tasting Tour of the NE Minneapolis. I can't wait, we booked this quite a while ago, should be a fun day!
Dinner - While we are walking we will be eating along the way!

Plans - It is not 100% yet, but with sister J in town, we may do an afternoon rooftop hop in downtown Minneapolis. Then the boys cousin and his wife are coming for dinner.
Dinner - Ali is vegan and her husband vegetarian, so I have to come up with a menu, I have a few ideas, but need to pull them together.

Should be a fun, but busy week!

For more meal plans and meal ideas, links to recipes and such, check out the Orgjunkie as well as Stone Gable.

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