The boy is doing this along with me which is also a lot of fun. We did really well last week. I have lost almost 6 pounds since starting this. We have gotten a few tools to help us out on this endeavor. We bought a new scale which seems to be very accurate and measure down to the 1/10 of a pound, every little bit counts, right? We are both using on both our smart phones and pc's. I absolutely love this app for a few reasons. First, from our phones, if you are eating something and it has a bar code reader which you can scan the item with, that works fabulously, it is so easy to just add a yogurt in the morning that way. It also syncs and integrates with my new favorite toy, the fitbit.
The fitbit is awesome, it tracks your weight loss, your steps, stairs climbed, calories burned, miles, and also gives you an active score as well as tracking your sleep patterns. What is also nice is that the boy is wearing one too, so it tracks our progress side by side and even makes us a little competitive with one another which is kind of fun.
So, overall I feel like I have been pretty successful in tracking what I am eating every day, every morsel that goes into my mouth, good or bad (the wine kills me, but I am trying to keep it just to the weekend), adding exercise little by little, and tracking calories burned. Hey, even losing 6 pounds!
As far as the challenges go, I am not much of a sweet eater, so no sugar was pretty easy. We even went to a movie screening last week where they had cupcakes from one of my favorite places with the most amazing frosting you have ever tasted, well, I took one, took one bite and threw the rest away. I guess it helped that the boy was right there to tsk tsk tsk me. . . nice to have someone hold you accountable. As far as adding new exercise, added the mall walks and the Wii, which is more than we have done in a long time. Also, with the fitbit, it has a goal of 10 sets of stairs a day, I try to make sure I can squeeze those in as well.
This week the challenge will be easy. I RARELY have any caffeine due to migraines I have had since I was little. No coffee, no soda only an occasional tea or a little chocolate here or there, but when I do feel a bad headache coming on, I will slam a mountain dew.
Really enjoying the challenge though!
Great job Jill!! It is helpful to have someone to help you along. And adding in the tools keeps it interesting. Keep up the great work!
awhh i really want a fitbit i am so jealous - glad your loving it and in such a positive frame of mind, well done on your success so far!
Yay, Jilly! You are inspiring me!
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