Tuesday, May 11, 2010

598th Post, Five Year Blogoversary!

This seems strange, but this is my 598th post, and this is my five year blogoversary. I started this blog five years ago today. A few months after moving back to Minnie (for those of you who are not familiar with my terminology, that is Minneapolis, Minnesota, Minnie just kind of captures both). A guy that I was working with at the time, told me about blogging, showed me his blog, and was nice enough to think that it might be a good outlet for me because I was really struggling with adapting back to the Twin Cities, I was REALLY missing the East Coast and my friends and he thought it might be a good way for me to stay connected to what I know and love. And it has been. I have met a ton of really wonderful people through blogs, I have learned more than you can even imagine and it has opened my eyes to so many things.

My blog has also been my way of journaling and just kind of keeping track of life in general. I love that I basically have an online scrapbook of the daily happenings. I don't remember when I started doing Meal Plan Monday, but it has been a good way for me to plan out my week and know what I have going on. I also love doing "things I am digging" because it also helps me keep track of my wish list. I look back at some of the movies we have seen, recipes I have made and steps that I have taken in my life, work and relationships.

Now, working through my 40th year, I have a list of 40 things I want to accomplish this year. I have been working towards those things, and I do have a few to cross off, so I need to go back and update that list as well.

There are definitely blogs from way back when that I miss so much, Meg, The Preppy Cafe, The original Preppy Princess. I love watching so many people accomplish so many wonderful things, Chloe's business (which I am so jealous of, but I love her note cards and talent), Lisagh's craft projects, recipes and discoveries, Kerry and her rants, absence, shopping and funny thoughts, E and her Ladybugs, Kimba and her wedding and now boating adventures, J and her marathon training and good ideas for meal planning,  Mel and Monty of course too. There has been loss and heartache along the way as well, Big Red. I have also gone on to learn and discover a lot of new blogs as well, but I still love my original favorites the most.  I love the fact that a few of us have a book club now and will stay connected that way too. Some people have given up or lapsed in their blogging and gone over to Facebook and Twitter. I try to keep up with those, but it is SO hard, lots to read and stay on top of.

I am inspired on a daily basis to open my mind, thoughts, ideas and learn new things from strangers all over the world. How weird is that, but at the same time how wonderful is that. I stay in touch with friends and family and get to keep in touch and see how adorable the kids are and what new adventures they are up to. I know that there are a ton of mom's who are now the big thing, the mommy bloggers, and they do their blogging for some extra spending money or a part time job, I think it is wonderful for everyone to have an outlet to suit their needs. Who would have thought that five years ago, I would still be here today, in the place that I am in, with the boy, looking for houses and going on the daily adventures that have become life in general. Thank you all for giving me this outlet, for letting me speak my mind, vent, catalog and get through my days. I truly think that I would be in a different place today, if I didn't have this window, to use My Outside Voice.

Traditional Five Year Anniversary Gifts are wood, Modern Five Year Anniversary Gifts are Silver. So, in honor of both of those, for helping me get through these past five years and for all of the friendships I have made along the way, I will be posting a give away tomorrow!


Suz said...

Happy Anniversary!

lisagh said...

OMG! Five years is HUGE!!! I just passed 4 and I can't believe it's been that long.

Congratulations, friend. xo

Preppy in Pink said...


Jacky Hackett said...

Happy Blogoversary! Five years is such a great accomplishment. Looking to many more postings. Thanks!

Mellissa said...

Happy Blogoversary! So many events to think about over 5 years and it is so nice to look back and see what you were thinking/feeling at that time.

k e r r y said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! When I think about the bloggers from "back in the day" I think of the same gals!