Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Winter Comes to Minnie

In a big way. We got hit yesterday afternoon with snow and wind. Today, the temperature bottomed out, it is COLD! So, change in dinner plans this week. Last night we were home, missed the movie, but oh well, we will catch it later.

We had cleaned out the fridge the night before, so I had a pretty good idea of what was in there, and it was a good night to use it up. 2 half containers of basil pesto, half package of Campari tomatoes that were starting to go soft, and a container of soft herbed cheese. Sauteed the tomatoes up in olive oil with some minced garlic, mixed in the pesto and cheese, instant basil roma cream sauce (SO GOOD). Package of cheese ravioli in the freezer, cooked that up, package of fresh spinach, package of three cheese Italian cheese, layered it in a pan, ravioli, spinach, sauce, cheese, cooked for 30 minutes. SO tasty. For me, this was a perfect meal. The boy is much more meat and potatoes, comfort food. Me? A good pasta and a good sauce, almost anything Italian.

We stayed in, caught up on a couple weeks of Biggest Loser and the watched the finale. Nice fire, nice glass of wine, nice winter night.

Tonight, almost a repeat, however tonight again I am scrapping together whatever I can find in the fridge, and this recipe played in perfectly. Sister J is coming over for dinner with her dog Max, its cooking in the oven right now. Mashed potatoes and a spinach salad along with some crusty bread, num.

Find the meat loaf recipe here.

Time to finish those Christmas cards!

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