Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Things I Have Been Reading!

I love to flip, pretty much all of the time. I usually need to be doing two things at once, so if I am watching tv or getting ready for bed, or a passenger in the car, I always have a stack of reading material with me. Carried in one of my canvas L.L. Bean bags usually, if not a cute bag that has come my way. Here are some of things that are stacked in the living room at the moment if not next to my bed.

I did a lot of planning going into the holidays. . .in case you can't tell. . . .
There are so many great ideas and inspiration in each of these books. They have ideas for decorating your tree, adding small touches to your home, wrapping gifts, making gifts as well as fabulous recipe ideas for entertaining and special holiday meals.

The Phyllis Hoffman Celebrate magazines I think are by far my favorite. We do a lot of entertaining, and I like to plan it in advance.These magazines are wonderful and are full of inspiration.

I keep track of all of the entertaining we do, the guests we invite, the food we serve and the way we do the inviting as well as any details in a table in One Note (which I absolutely love). In 2009 we hosted and planned 9 theme parties, 13 dinner parties, 10 themed wine club events and three Junior League meetings in my home. 35 events in a year, hmmm, and why am I not a full time event planner? No but really I enjoy it so much, everything from the invitations to the food, to the clean up and rehashing the night the next morning with the boy.

Next year there are two BIG events on the calendar. A big birthday for me (which I keep going back and forth on as far as how I feel and what the theme should be, I may be putting it to a vote soon!) as well as a big anniversary for the boys parents in November. I have already started the planning for both, invitations for the boys anniversary have been purchased. . . a place still needs to be determined, I would like to go with something a little more upscale, but they would like to do something closer to where they live and there is just not a lot up that way, it will take some research that is for sure!

Back to planning. One dinner party left this year, and I have a tablescape to put together as well as the menu to finalize and a shopping list to make. Better get on that!

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