Thursday, July 23, 2009

Movie (and Book) Review! "Julie & Julia"

Last night the boy and I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed out to see a screening of the new movie with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep, "Julie & Julia". It was also on my summer read list and I finished the book over the weekend. I loved both the book and the movie.

I am not sure if I liked the book or the movie more. The movie actually had Julia Child playing a main role in the movie, where while she did play a large role in the book, it was more in the background, and it had some of her letters as well as her husband Paul's in it. The movie showed her living in Paris as well as other places and really took you through her trials and tribulations of getting "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" published.

The boy enjoyed it as well, and it truly is a love story as well. Julia and Paul's love, Julie and her husband Eric's love as well as both of their loves of food. There are some wonderful scenes in the movie, and if you have ever been to Paris, it will definitely take you back.
We were talking last night about the book\movie and the premise of the book is that Julie cooks all of Julia Child's recipes from MTAFC in one year. The boy said, I am not sure if I would like something different every day. I looked at him and said, how often do we even eat the same thing, he agreed of course, but it was pretty funny. Whenever I make something that he really likes, if anyone is joining us he always says, enjoy it while you can, we may never see it again.
I do love to cook and come up with new recipes as well, so this made the book\movie that much better for me. I am also a huge Julia Child fan. Guess I need to break out my book and get to cooking. Go see it, it was a fabulous film, and I will say that I think the entire audience enjoyed it. There were a group of Red Hat Ladies sitting in the entire row behind us, at a quiet part during the movie, one of them said quite loudly, "Oh I am SO enjoying this film" the whole audience cracked up! I know my mom would have loved this film as well.

My Julia books (did you know that Julia Child published 17 cookbooks but did not even publish MTAFC until she was 54? Impressive).

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