It is SO SO SO cold here guys. Seriously makes me wonder why I moved back here. Tomorrow -21. Seriously people and that is WITHOUT windchill. I know that
my friend to the North has it much worse than I do, and I know I shouldn't complain too much, it was my choice to move back, but still. Next week it will be four years since I left New England. I have to admit that there is rarely a day that goes by that I don't think about it and life back there. But, I know that things happen for a reason and if I had not moved back here then I would never have met the boy. So, with that being said, I guess that is a good thing to start with, The Boy. He has been so wonderful lately about helping me take down and organize all of the holiday decor. Wrap and shop for gifts. He is always willing to go grocery shopping on the weekends and is such a huge help taking half of the list. He is so great about doing the dishes, we did a lot of entertaining over the holidays, and he always just started the dishes on his own. It really is nice having such a good friend and companion in him, he makes me laugh every day and is just down right silly sometimes, I know that I truly am lucky to have found such a wonderful person to share my life with.

That friend of mine to the North that I was talking about, a while back she blogged about her love of her Junior League cookbooks. I am also a fan and regularly go to them when I need to research recipes for a special event or menu. I pick them up whenever I see them and have even been given a couple as gifts.

This is the older Junior League of Minneapolis version

And the new version,

I have quite a collection of cookbooks and took some time to organize them over the holidays. I love going through cookbooks and cooking magazines looking for something new to try (my mother HATES it when I try new recipes on company or guests, I guess I am never really that nervous about something not working out or someone not liking something). Do you have one go to cookbook? If so, what is it?

I have to admit, I love the Rachel Ray Magazine and cookbooks. My sister gave me a two year subscription to the magazine last year for Christmas and I just love it. I also love her cookbooks. I know a lot of people don't like her, but she makes some good stuff that is really easy and simplistic and fast! Gotta love that. I also usually have a lot of the ingredients that she uses on hand.
My flannel sheets this time of year come in REALLY handy. I have a couple sets of these that get worked into the rotation, and they truly are so much more comfortable crawling into! It also helps that when I moved back here my dad went out and bought me a heated mattress pad. . . .but gotta love the flannel sheets!

Do you ever get on a breakfast kick? I have to have breakfast every morning and I usually mix it up, granola, yogurt, fruit, english muffin, toasted waffles, peanut butter and banana on toast, oatmeal but lately, almost every morning it has been cottage cheese with fresh fruit (whatever I have apple, pear, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, pineapple). EVERY morning. SO good! My mom used to make us cottage cheese and pears on a bed of lettuce as a salad for dinner, I guess I have just always been a fan. Do you get on a kick of any sort?
Oooooh! How much is "Always Superb" ... let me know and I'll send you some duckets immediately!
On another note, when I was driving to work today I was soooo cold, I wrapped a cardigan that was in my back seat around my head. I looked like a crazy baba!
Happy New Year!!!
You two are TOO cute, such a cute photo!
I'm a big fan of cooking books... but I have to say, you definitely put them to better use than I!
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