A little invitation. . .
Tomorrow night is my annual holiday party. I love throwing this party, I have done it every year as long as I can remember except for two years ago when I had moved on December 1st and threw a Chinese New Years Party instead.
I love choosing the invitations, deciding on the wording, choosing appetizers, putting the list together and then watching it all come together. I have 17 different appetizers for tomorrow night. Most of them are fairly easy. Here is the list;
Stuffed Mushrooms
Ham Cream Cheese Balls*
Baked Brie
Little Sausages in BBQ Sauce
Cheese Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes*
Spicy Sausage Wonton Stars*
Spinach Cheese Pinwheels*
Pepperoni Rollups*
BBQ Chicken Bits*
Festive Cranberry Cakes*
Tortellini Appetizers*
Pickle Roll-ups
Confetti Cheese Balls
Creamy Green Onion Spread*
Cheese Spread Pinecone*
Warm Bacon Cheese Spread*
Baked Asparagus Dip*
I also have a few desserts/cookies, but since I don't bake, they are mainly store bought except for the mini cheesecakes a friend is bringing. I sent out 45 invites for 66 people all but three have RSVP'd and I have 47 confirmed, so it should be a good crowd. We also are going to be doing a $15 gift exchange which should be a lot of fun, I am planning on doing the dice game so it will be interesting to see what people come up with. I am sure there will be some fun pictures come Monday! Hope you all have a great weekend!
*I have the recipe for if you would like it.
What time should I be there?
Love the invites BTW
Those invites are really cute.
Wish I could be there!
Oh my goodness, those eats sound wonderful. You've got yourself a whole two weeks of posts just blogging all the recipes. I hope your took lots of pictures and most of all...that you HAD FUN!
Your food sounds amazing. I would love to see the recipes. Hope the party went well!
I'm coming right over!!!1
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