And these were the windchills. Can you even imagine? Egads.
I had a really hectic and busy week even though, as my dad would say, it was colder than a hookers heart outside. Something going on every night last week and work absolutely insane.
On the work front, lots of changes. Not only is the project that I have been working on for the past 7 to 8 months about to implement, but I spent last week getting ramped up on a new project that I am taking over this week. So a lot of reading and twice as many meetings, that is what it is going to be like for the next couple of weeks. I have to say, I feel kind of bad sometimes when I work through the evening and the boy is just kind of there to hang out with me. When he is done with work, he leaves his job and he leaves his work. He also is a true 9 to 5er, I also think that makes it harder for him to understand when I need to put in more hours. Don't get me wrong though, he has never complained once and because I do work from home, at least we are able to spend time together. Well, we were able to anyway.
The new project that I am taking over, at least for the next couple of months, is based out of Fort Lauderdale, FL. So for the next couple of months I will be in FL every other week, meetings and just sorting some things out. So, I went from negative numbers to 70's on Sunday morning. But I am getting ahead of my self here.
So, work=nuts. Enough said there. We had a couple of wine events last week, I had a work dinner, and I also had the girls over Friday night for drinks and munchies.
After finding out Thursday evening that I was going to be leaving for a week, we decided to forgo the wine tasting we had planned on going to so that we could have one last night by ourselves (I also had a ton of work that needed to get done). I was kind of bummed when I heard about the event the next day, 600 people, South African wines and food, plus they raised a bit of money for the local food shelves. This is a once a year event, so I am kinda bummed that we passed on it, but something had to give.
Friday night six girlfriends and our token male, Max the dog, came over where we had cocktails and munchies. The boy stopped in and helped with a fire and grabbed a bite to eat so we had a nice relaxing evening.
Saturday I woke up to FRIGID temperatures. BUT, the boy brought my dresser back from his house and we had an estate sale to hit as well as some errands to get done. I will take some pics of my dresser when I get back. Had a lot of fun at the estate sale and found some great treasures, no pics, but I will try to be better about posting our treasures when I return. Then it was a Super Target run and a bite to eat, but it was even cold IN the restaurant. Truth be told we had lunch at one of our favorite dive bars which is a NE Mpls institution which even catered one of my aunt and uncle's anniversary parties. Libby, I was thinking of you when I donned my cap that day!
I needed some things for the week in FL as well as a pedicure so after a bite to eat we did some shopping and the boy hung out and read while my toes were taken care of so that I could sport these this week.
Saturday night was a BYOB event for the wine club at sister J's house. We decided to go with a Winter White theme and only have white wines. This was actually because at times people have been known to spill here or there and with sister J just moved in to her new place, we wanted to avoid that. It was a lot of fun and we had a great turnout, especially considering how cold it was!!!! The other problem was the fact that she lives very close to the Metrodome as well at the Guthrie and several area restaurants. Well guess what, the dome was hosting a Monster Truck rally and for some reason no matter how cold it is, Minnesotans venture out, so parking was at a premium. Luckily we ran into sister S's husband who let us into the heated garage, but there were 4 people who could not find parking so they were not able to make it.
Our Hostess and a good friend of hers from home.
It really was a good time and a great group.
Sunday morning I had to get up early to pack, that had not happened at all, but luckily I was pretty organized. I like to just bring one or two basic colors when I travel for work, so this week it is black, white and a little khaki. But I could not resist and threw in a Lilly dress just in case.
It was in the 70's when I landed and should be all week, so I will enjoy it while I can. I have a good friend from out East who lives here in Fort Lauderdale and they just had a baby about 8 months ago so I had dinner with them last night and will be seeing them again tonight, then he heads out of town for work, but I will be busy the rest of the week, so sneaking a couple of nights in with him is wonderful. My team actually gets in later this afternoon, but I needed to get down early and check out a room we are using a make sure that everything was ready to go. I am also staying at a different hotel which is kind of nice, I won't feel like I have to be with work people non-stop.
So no movies this weekend, and they are announcing the Oscar nominees this morning, so looking forward to those! Hope you all had a good weekend!
Enjoy the warm weather, and the flip flops. So jealous over here! :)
Such cute flip flops!
I just love that on your weather forcast, they show Winnipeg! It just goes to show how close we are to each other and that we are very naughty for not getting together!!! This summer, Jilly... this summer for sure!
Talk about going from one (temperature) extreme to another! Your feet look great .... reminds me how badly I need a pedicure even if hardly anyone will see it.
Florida every other week, Jilly, I want your job!! Your toesies look cute. :)
Whew you are busy! Good luck, sounds like you are having fun though!
Enjoy the warm thos flip-flops. We're even in a deep freeze here in Atlanta so I know how glad you are to be in warmer temps for awhile. Love that cute photo of you in your hat.
You and the boy look awesome in yur winter whites. Enjoy FL, what a great time to go.
That hat freakin ROCKS!!
You know what? Your schedule wears me out! I think I will need a nap today from all of *your* activity!
Stay warm!
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