Last Thursday the boy and I, with list in hand, hit TJ Maxx/Home Goods (it is a combo store and wonderful) then we hit Super Target and just about knocked off all of our holiday shopping and holiday food shopping. Not too bad! We came home and finished decorating my tree, cleaned some things up and had some dinner.
Friday we were fortunate enough to be on the guest list of a VIP birthday party for a special friend. It was a really good time, so much fun to see faces that it had been years since I had seen and it was also SO much fun to see her parents and her sisters new house which is not far from me at all. I just can't believe she is finally older than me :)
We got in quite late Friday night, basically early Saturday morning, but that didn't stop us from hitting our estate sales Saturday morning, so we woke up early, bundled up and headed out. We watched the weather as we were getting ready to leave, but I could have sworn I heard them say we were not supposed to start getting snow until 6:00 PM. But as soon as we got down the road a ways, it started coming down. I wish I could have taken a picture to show you how beautiful the snow was coming down. The snowflake crystallized on my jacket and did not even melt! We found some great items at the first sale, really fun stuff. My sister LOVES Birkenstocks, me, well my feet start to break out in hives as soon as you get them on my feet, same thing with crocs. I just don't get it. Well this sale must have had over 100 pairs of Birks, all. . . .in. . . my. . . size. No, I refuse. BUT, my sister sells on eBay, so I picked up 7 brand new pairs of the clogs, for $6 each. I knew that she would be thrilled. I called her up and said I have good news, I just bought you 7 brand new pairs of Birks for $6 each (oh my goodness if you could have heard the hysterics on the other end of the phone) then she asked what the bad news was. I had to tell her they were all in my size. Since I am more than one full size smaller than her, she was not happy, but it was funny. She was really excited to put them up on eBay though.
We hit another estate sale, the snow was really coming down at this point, and the roads were really starting to get bad, thank goodness for AWD. This estate sale is what they call a diggers sale. We were having so much fun, I found some great vintage jewelry, the cutest napkin rings I have ever seen and some wonderful books for my mom for one of her shops. All of them dated back to the late 1800's and were in very good condition. Lots of fun.
As we were heading to Perkins, for some refueling and to talk about all of our great finds, we got a call from the boys friend. We were having him and his girlfriend for dinner to celebrate his birthday, but had figured that with the snow they would cancel. But what was I going to do with a flourless chocolate cake, especially when the boy and I are not big on chocolate? So, we headed to Super Target (again) and all but finished the shopping. We actually have two items left to pick up, but they are small and easy. It has been so much fun making lists and shopping with the boy this year. We have both really been enjoying ourselves.
So now with the evening to ourselves, we decided a little Wii action was needed. We actually had played this really fun game the night before on PS2 called SingStar, it was a lot of fun and reminded me of Boogie. But we had gotten Big Brain Academy for Wii, so we decided to work our muscles that way. After taxing our brains, which was fun, some jiffy pop and The Christmas Story was on the menu. The boy had never seen it. Needless to say I fell asleep about halfway through it, but that was okay, I think I have seen it about 100 times.
Sunday was supposed to be my girls brunch and cookie exchange. But with the weather the way it was Saturday, and knowing I had to make two of the dishes in advance, I had to cancel. I was really bummed, but there wasn't much I could do. So, Sunday we were all about the projects. Plastic went up on the windows, my new dining room chairs got new fabric on them (pictures later this week) and I worked on cleaning and reorganizing. We ran some errands and then headed out to see No Country for Old Men. During the movie I thought it was very violent and gross and didn't really like the story line, but there were a couple of times during the movie where the boy and I looked at one another in wonderment and then after the movie we must have discussed it for over two hours, so after all of that, I decided if it held my attention, got me thinking and discussing, it must be a pretty good movie. It is not for the faint of heart I will say and I also told the boy that after that pick I get to pick the next two movies in a row, but if you are curious, I recommend seeing it. We are going to see a sneak premiere of Juno on Wednesday so I will let you know how that is. Busy week here, countdown to my annual holiday cocktail party this weekend, so lots to do in preparation for that and of course work and a million other things. I hope you are all well and had wonderful weekends!
LOVE the bangs! They look great, I remember you mentioning them a while ago, but I'm slow to comment I guess. Great look!
Sounds like another busy/fabulous weekend!
Hey Jilly,
I am getting ready to host my first EVER holiday cocktail party on Sunday, and I'd love some tips! It's going to be all girls, we're going with a retro-glamour theme, and I've got the music list, but that's about all. Any suggestions?
By the way, I LOVE your blog!
Oh flourless cake, yum! If boy won't help you eat it, I would be happy to lend a hand. :)
D. has been lobbying to see No Country for Old Men but we caught a sneak of The Golden Compass over the weekend instead.
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