8. SIEGE BESIEGE These words:
A: Have similar meanings.
B: Have opposite meanings.
C: Have neither similar nor opposite meanings.
It is so nice to see new faces coming to each event and getting to meet different people from all walks of life. Everyone always comments on how it is such a warm and welcoming group of people which I think is the best compliment, it is exactly what I was trying to achieve with this group and I am so glad that it has grown to be what I wanted it to be. We did have a lot of wine, and some very good wines!
I have four events planned for November but I will be scaling back to just two in December. I also enjoy getting to try new restaurants with other people and get their take on what they think of the establishment. Fun group!
Friday I hosted the first of what I hope are many girls nights. I have decided to do this monthly and I am looking forward to doing different things. I have met a lot of really nice girls through wine club and other venues and I think it will be good to have one night set aside just for us. This month was "Ghouls" night and we had our signature cocktail, Caramel Appletini's, recipe to come soon, munchies, dips, chips, veggies, breads and spreads. I have two different sets of tarot cards, so we gave those a shot as well as some Wii bowling and Boogie. We had a really good time and maybe a bit too much wine, but it just turned into a slumber party at that point! Next month is a "try out that recipe that you are bringing to a holiday gathering" potluck. I am looking forward to that one as well and my sister will be able to come and spend the night then!
Saturday morning came way too early. I promised the boy that I would get up early and hit some estate sales with him, why I agreed to do this is beyond me, I could barely open my eyes. But I dragged my butt out of bed and pulled myself together for the day. We hit some great sales, found some wonderful treasures and had a nice lunch.
Some of our treasures--I love to wear vintage jewelry, and these two items I thought I would get a lot of wear out of.
After re-charging with a burger, fries and malt from Snuffy's malt shop,

we headed over to the Summit Brewery for my new job!
I am a volunteer tour guide at our local brewery.

Summit is a micro brewery that was established in 1986 and has grown by leaps and bounds. I was on the waiting list to be a tour guide for quite some time.
The requirements are, one, one-hour tour per quarter, payment is two free cases per month as well as being invited to all company events. I call that FUN! I shadowed a tour Saturday which was a lot of fun, you basically give people a tour and history of the brewery and then they get to sit and drink their three free beers. I poured beers Saturday and answered questions while the boy sat at the bar drinking free beers. I drove home! I am really excited to have found this new opportunity and have Tango and Cash's daddy to thank!
After our brewery stop (and of course I had to make sure the boy had a few) we hit up JCrew. I am glad that we got there in time for the sale, I picked up some great fall items (posting of the items later this week!). We were going to head up to the boys to work on some projects, but we were both beat, so we laid like broccoli on the couch, ordered pizza in and watched "Less Than Zero".

When was the last time you saw that movie? Sunday was not quite as early, but we did get out, get some errands done and spent some time with my parents as well as the boys. I did stop by and see the kids too since we will be heading to Chicago this week to see friends and we will be gone for five days.
This week is a busy and short week, so there will be limited postings, re-cap of all activities and festivities when we return. Hope you are all enjoying the great fall weather!
And for my Boston blogger gals, GO SOX!

That's just about the best new job ever! And it seems like Boy is enjoying the perks too. ;)
Your weekend sounds like so much fun! I'm so bummed I missed that tour! Definitely next time!
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