It was a hot one here! The weekend turned out much better than I ever could have asked. Thank you all so much for your thoughtful messages and kind remarks last week. I truly appreciate it and it really made me feel validated to hear from so many of your in my angst!
I made it back from Green Bay, barely. We had to sit on the tarmac for a while, no biggie really, but it made for a longer than usual day. The boy picked me up from the airport, which was hard because I was still feeling sorta sore at him about not defending me to his brother. But I guess boys just don't have the same thought process as us girls, so therefore they do not really understand what can push our buttons. We stopped to get a bite to eat at a pizza place near my house which we had never been to before, but came highly recommended. It was really good and I am really glad we gave it a go, plus, we knew traffic would be thick getting back to his house. We stopped by SUPER Target to pick up some essentials for the weekend, I grabbed my bag from his house for the weekend, we switched cars and grabbed mine and we were off! We did not get up to the lake until almost midnight, but it was worth it to wake up there the next morning. His parents had come up for the night, so we caught up with them for a bit before I had to doze off. I was able to get quite a bit of work done the next day, we all went on a boat ride, had lunch and then his parents left so that my sister and her family as well as the boy and I could have the weekend to ourselves which was really nice.
They arrived in time for some dinner and a sunset cruise! I was so glad to see them and be able to spend my sisters birthday weekend with her. Of course I had plenty of fun in store for all of us, but mostly it was about just spending time together. And of course I took care in planning all of our meals :)
I did speak to my sister about the statements that were made regarding me and my planning and such and how I felt. She also made me feel better. She made the statement that they did not seem to know me very well because if they did they would understand that this is just part of who I am and the things, such as cooking, that I love to do. We stayed up late Friday night just hanging out having a few cocktails and getting caught up, but the next morning my sister and I were up bright and early to go for a walk, my oldest nephew joined us, which was nice for him to have us to himself. We got back and I whipped up some fresh blueberry pancakes which were enjoyed by all and then we headed out for some swimming, a boat ride and some fishing.
We headed back in around lunch time so I could grill something up as well as restocking the bait supply. We were catching them left and right before lunch, but that was nothing compared to after lunch, the boy and my b-i-l decided they would keep the larger ones and that they would fillet them up and I could cook them up!
The boy had never filleted fish before and he did a really good job! We must have caught about 40 fish and kept about 25. The kids had a blast though catching one right after the other and kept us adults busy baiting hooks and taking fish off.
I cooked up the fish as well as some dinner and then we headed off for another sunset cruise. It was a perfect evening complete with a full moon and the weather was ideal. We had to get back for a fire because the weekend would not be complete without s'mores! I was pretty full still, but what 8 1/2 year old can resist ooey, gooey marshmallow, melted chocolate and graham cracker?
The next day we set off on the scavenger hunt that I had created for them. They really enjoyed hunting for every day objects outside and it was fun to see them work with the adult that they were paired with to become creative on some of the items that they had a hard time finding.
We had a water balloon toss and then spent the rest of the day in the lake! It was a hot one, I think you could hear our bodies sizzle as we slid into the lake!
It was a really good time and I am so glad that they had the opportunity to come up and spend the weekend and get away! Hope you all had a good weekend too! Thanks again for all of the nice comments last week, it was greatly appreciated!
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful weekend, all thanks to the careful planning you did to make it so. It must have felt good to know your hard work was appreciated (this time).
Jilly, I'm so glad you got to vent last week and that you got to talk to your sister about your feelings this weekend. I'm especially glad that you went right on planning the fabulous meals just the way you always have. Anyone should be so lucky as to have you in their family. :)
Looks like lots of fun! Glad you are feeling better about the situation!
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