I went with Tango and Cash's daddy to Costco the next morning so that he could pick up some salmon, they do have the BEST salmon, very tasty and it is never frozen and already skinned. They have wonderful tilapia as well, I just with they had swordfish and tuna steaks.
The boy came home in whites, he looks so handsome! We relaxed on the deck and just hung out for a while, it is so nice to have that done now. Then we headed to the Super Target for some much needed grocery shopping. We had not been since before we went on vacation, think mother hubbard went to the cupboard. . . . so I had watched my favorite local Saturday morning news program, and they were making this, so I picked up the ingredients while we were there, we both felt like just a light dinner. It was very good, I highly recommend. It would be good with some grilled chicken or like the boy said, some grilled lamb.
I got caught up on my mail, some work and some projects Sunday. The boy came home from drills. Once again I am a little frustrated with the Navy. He is still on medical hold. His blood pressure is still high. BUT. He has his two weeks of duty coming up, they won't let him do it because of his medical hold. They will not even give him a wavier, but they would have a week ago, BUT they just changed the rules a week ago, how convenient. He also has to take a physical test in September, they won't let him do that either. There is also another mobilization coming up, this would be a "short" one at 8 months, they are trying to convince him to do this, but of course he can't until he gets his blood pressure stabilized at normal but this has not been easy and he has been trying. His contract with the Navy is up in September. He doesn't know right now if he is going to renew, or if he can. BUT, if he doesn't do his two weeks, it is a mark against him for the WHOLE year. Frustrating.
We went to see Live Free or Die Hard last night. Good movie, we were very entertained and a great way to end a relaxing weekend. Gotta love John McCain. . . .

Costco has some of the best food items there are.
The Bodeans --I'm sure you had fun.
Looks like another fun weekend for you! Great recipes! I hope it all works out with the boy & the Navy, I bet that is frustrating...(sorry)!
I love me some Miller Lite!!!
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