Friday, June 22, 2007

Grateful Friday!

These little guys hung out all over me this past weekend. At first I was annoyed, but then I thought about it and. . . I am for some reason very allergic to fly bites, I swell up HUGE, not from mosquito bites at all but fly bites. Well then one of these guys landed on my shoulder and I just kind of looked over at him and he was devouring a fly! RIGHT ON MY SHOULDER! At first I was really grossed out and wanted to shove it off, but it was kind of like a train wreck, I wanted to watch. I am not going to go into details, because it is pretty gross, but lets just say the fly goes in and out of the dragonflies mouth several times. I told the boy that this was going on, and at first he didn't believe me, but when he was done with his snack, and flew away, he left a little fly leg on my shoulder. I think it was kind of like a love note.

I am so grateful for patience and understanding. This has been a tough week, ups, downs, ups, downs. I have learned from reading other peoples blogs actually just how important sometimes it can be to just let things go and move on. It is of course much easier said than done, but each day truly is a gift and taking the good with the bad is really important.

Remember these guys?
Well now they look like this!

They have been growing out of control and I am loving it, throwing them in here and there and looking for new recipes to specifically use them. Now if I would have been smart, I would have planted the same thing up at the lake as well. . . . I wonder if I can convince the boy that they need to just travel with us. . . .

Health, again this week. Going for a walk this week has been such a joy, and the walks around the lake last weekend. It is so relaxing, peaceful and calming for me. I am lucky that I have two strong legs to take me there and that I have the ability to take myself from point A to point B. I have also enjoyed the boys company on these walks. It gives us time to decompress and just talk. Of course though we both love to just look at houses, check out curb appeal and basically make our own mental notes and score cards for each house. Too much HGTV maybe last weekend?????

We saw Ocean's Thirteen last night and loved it. I laughed so hard and it has been a long time since we have seen a movie. We both really enjoyed it. We are off to the Saints game with friends tonight for some tailgating and baseball. Tomorrow we have the boys nieces graduation open house and Sunday some relaxing maybe! Hope you all have a great weekend!


Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Health is something most of us take for granted until we don't have it. I'm sick right now and boy will I appreciate when I'm not. It keeps us in check! Have a great weekend. I liked Ocean's 13 too!

Anonymous said...

Mwahhhhhhhhhhhh you crack me up! I can't believe you got a picture of the DF on your shoulder - insane!

Libby said...

I love that you think of a little fly leg as a little love note!

Your plants are growing like gang-busters, Jilly! Have a wonderful weekend. :)