I don't know why it needs to snow this much here on April 11th! I mean come on! We are supposed to get 3 to 7 inches today. I have a wine event for my wine club tonight at a great new place that just opened called Spill the Wine. I have already had people cancel due to the weather. This was supposed to be our biggest event yet! We now have reached 200 members and this is an event that could accommodate at least 100. We are having three stations with four different wines at each, 6 wine educators, tons of food, all for $35!!!! I mean come on people. So right now I only have 27 signed up. Any ideas??? I have posted the event on localwineevents.com and craigs list. I am not sure which other direction to go. Oh we will see. I had to wear a winter jacket again today. I have all these fabulous spring coats, but when am I going to wear them, June? I would like to start wearing spring colors and such, but what am I donning today? Black and white, which I guess is okay for the event but still, come on people it is April 11th for crying out loud. This is just not good. . . .I really hope this does not head anyones way and I will try to stop it right here. Okay, just one more vent, I hate it when people I have not heard from in 10 months instant message me and tell me they are getting divorced. That is NOT what that communication tool is to be used for people!
Okay I am done now, on to happier and more jovial topics. I will get back to you guys later with a post about painting furniture, it all turned out really good and I have some before and after photos, for now it is off to a meeting!
Spring and or Summer should show up sometime this year. Chicagoland is getting hit with snow today as well. Grab another hit of hot tea or cider.
I hear ya girl! It's crazy isn't it?!? We too in Chicago are getting a little winter weather on April 11th, YES, April 11th.
Oh, Jilly, you look so unhappy in that picture! (And, if I lived anywhere near you I would put D. in the car and head directly to the Spill and Wine!)
yes..this weather is enough to drive anyone to drink. wish I could come. tomorrow is another day!
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