Ahhh, so this past weekend actually felt like fall here. We had temps in the 50's and 60's and there was that brisk fall smell in the air. This week is also a lot more laid back and relaxed compared to the past few weeks which is also a welcome change. The boy and I will be able to spend some time at home getting caught up on some things. Here is how the week is shaping up!
Monday - Chicken Kiev (bought pre-made from Target, in their prepared meats section), rice and sugar snap peas (edited to add that we had squash instead of rice, which was delicious!)
Tuesday - Brown Sugar-Mustard-Glazed-Salmon, cous cous, broccoli (edited to add that we are having more sugar snap peas tonight as we have a TON of them and I don't want them to go bad and I would have to stop to get broccoli)
Wednesday - Mexican Lasagna (change in plans, we are going to see the screening of "Amelia" so we will be grabbing a couple of sandwiches and salads to eat while we are in line)
Thursday - Manicotti, green salad, garlic bread
Friday - Nephew G's choice (looks like we are taking him to see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" and going to Buca for spaghetti and meatballs)
Saturday - Birthday party for C and T, out with the girls
Sunday - Brunch at The Little Oven with my parents, the boys parents, sister J and her mom, the off to see "Buddy" at The History Theater
So my goal this week is to keep using up the food from the freezer, everyone of the meals I have planned is using food that I already have on hand. I am really working to try to get the freezer cleaned out so that I can start getting ready for the holidays and party's and such. I have taco meat frozen, so that will be used in the Mexican Lasagna which is good. My nephew G is coming to spend the night with the boy and I on Friday, so I will let him choose what he would like. He usually likes my spaghetti and meatballs, but really, he is not a picky eater and likes just about anything I make. It will be fun to have him overnight.
We are headed to the boys house on Thursday overnight, and I have some homemade basil tomato sauce in his freezer that needs to be used and sausage in my freezer, so will be using stuff from both which should help.
Have any of you started making plans for Thanksgiving yet? I started thinking about it this past weekend, and I think I am going to talk to the boy about just doing an early dinner at my house on our own (maybe with friends J & K from CT) and then stopping by my sisters and then wherever his family is but not signing up for anything. The past few years have been so stressful, my feelings get hurt every year, and I just don't feel like setting myself up for that again. Last year (the first year my sister was a born again vegetarian) I had to make the turkey, the stuffing and the sides at the boys house, then transport it all to my sisters, the kids hardly touch anything, she lets them eat candy at the table, she won't touch anything, then got upset because I used chicken broth in the stuffing, the boy does not have all of the cooking tools at his house like I do at my own. His family signs us up to bring dessert, we bring it, but by the time we get there they have already brought their own and eaten dessert not waiting for us. We don't find out until the last minute what their plans are, they are not willing to work with us and coordinate plans even though we are the only ones that have to spread out time out. UGH! It all just gets to be too much. SO, this year, we will make our own plans and do our own thing and maybe start our own traditions and NOT be stressed out about anything.
Hey, sorry for the venting and rambling, just getting it all out I guess! BUT, if you are looking for MORE menus and recipes, check out the orgjunkie! I always get some good ideas there!
I am having Thanksgiving catered by Mimi's Cafe....never doing that crazy visiting everyone scam again
Using things from the freezer is something we're trying to do too!
We already had thanksgiving here but I know just what you mean. It is always exciting to get together with family but inevitably it does bring some problems and stresses doesn't it?
I also try to use things from the freezer as much as possible (my grandmother's freezer was always a black hole - things went in and never came out again - I'm trying to learn from that and keep on top of using things!) The mexican lasagne sounds really good - I make a meatless version which is yummy but I bet my hubby would love the meaty one!
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