Can you identify one word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2008?
I read this on another blog and thought that this is a pretty good way to get geared up for 2008. Everyone makes resolutions, I like to do that as well, but I guess I do it in a different way, and I never do it just once a year. I am constantly setting goals for myself and crossing them off and adding new ones. But I thought that this was a good way of looking at 2008. If I had to pick one word for 2008 I would choose present. It means a lot of things to me right now in the sense that I look at each day as a gift which is why we call it the present. I also want to be present, for myself, the boy, my family, my friends and work. I have a lot of volunteer opportunities that are presenting themselves to me this year and I am looking forward to being present for others in that way as well. I also want to make sure that when it comes time to giving presents, that I have put thought and effort into them and not just run out at the last minute and not put myself behind it. In this way I hope to be a bit more creative. So really, present means so many things to me for 2008. Do you have a word that could describe 2008 for you? Feel free to share.
I am feeling more like myself today, I will get back to a big recap tomorrow, but for now I am going to sit down in front of a fire with the boy and see who the Donald is going to fire now.
Chin chin to 2008!
Wow- that's a hard one. I'll have to give it some thought. I love the word you chose. And, glad you're feeling better. Happy New Year.
Good thought provoker!
In the past I have spent too much energy in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. My word would be foundation. I need to work on the foundation (mostly me) so everthing doesn't come crumbling down around me. Makes it sound a lot more dramtic than it is though :)
I saw that box and immediately thought - "she wants an engagement ring!"
Anyone who really knows me, knows that I have been there done that and I don't need a ring or a piece of paper to know how someone feels about me, I just need to have faith and trust what is in my heart. The boy and I are very happy just taking things as they come. I would not be looking for a ring on one of my fingers, but I am happy.
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