Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Blog Break

Hey guys, hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend. I just wanted to post a quick note to let you all know that I need to take a quick break. This stuff with the boy is too much at the moment and while getting things out through my fingers and having you guys there to lean on is one of the most wonderful things, I need to take a quick break. I will try to keep up with all of you when I can. Thank you all so much for being there for me, right now I need to try to be there for me. Thanks.


Libby said...

Jilly, I hope you have a very restorative break. We'll be here when you come back. :)

lisagh said...

You know I'll be there for you! Talk soon. xoL

Anonymous said...

Me too - I'm here for ya! Will most def be here when you come back to blogging.


RED said...

We are here for you. Can't wait for your return already! hope the break is all you need and more. Thinking of you!

tulipmom said...

Take all the time you need. Sending hugs your way.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

We will miss you! I hope everything works out and hope you get some rest and time to reflect! Good luck girl!

Meg said...

ditto, hope you have a good break and we'll be anxious to catch up on your life when you return.

k e r r y said...

Some time off is always a good thing - I hope things work out for the best! You are in my thoughts!