Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So I felt like dog doo last night, so we skipped the movie and just stayed home instead. I am glad we did, and just had the time together, because this morning after I got to work, the boy called and he got his mobilization orders this morning. He leaves for Iraq for 12 months on April 13th and I am so sad. I think I am just numb right now though. I guess we have known since September that this was a possibility, but I just kept thinking it wasn't going to happen. The whole positive thinking thing I guess. So now it is here and real and I get to deal with it. It is so hard for me to imagine him NOT being a part of my day to day life. I hardly remember what life was like without him in it, but I know it was not as good as it is now. He said that making that call to me was the hardest call he has had to make, it was hard to take too. All of things that we had talked about, planned and looked forward to this summer are now not going to happen. I know I need to make the most of it, but it is really hard.

I am going to spend every moment I can with him until he leaves. That has meant canceling some things, but there will be time for those things after he is gone. I am going to have to keep myself busy that is for sure. Right now I am just sad. This does put a bit of a damper on the whole birthday week that is for sure.


workinthatpreppy said...

Wow...I am so sorry. I have two boys of my own...well, 14 and 7 but I do so feel your pain...

lisagh said...

You know I'm here for you... we'll get through the year together.

J said...

Oh Jilly, I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard that will be. I hope you can enjoy the next few weeks as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

OH NO. SO so sorry. Man, I can't understand all of this stuff....I mean....aren't they meant to be coming back now - not going out?