Personally, I really wanted to like it. I still remember watching the movie on TV when I was younger with my grandma, and I loved it. This version, not so much. It was kind of creepy, Johnny Depp had that Batman\Joker kind of a character going on and I just didn't think that it really would appeal to kids the more I thought about it. And then Alice? Well, she is not a child, but an adult who is running away because she doesn't want to get married. I think they rushed the 3-D on this one, there wasn't a ton of it and it was not all that impressive, but yet we are paying for it. My vote, wait for the DVD.
We did not get a chance to see Remember Me this week, but I still would like to see it. Last night we headed out to dinner before going to the movies. We used one of our "groupons" and had dinner at a well known burger join on the way to the theater called the 5-8. If you have not checked out groupon in your area, I highly recommend it. We have used quite a few of them at this point, and they are a great deal. I had bought a couple for the 5-8 back in January, we used the last one last night. For $7, we got a $15 gift certificate. Dinner was $17.28 (we paid $2.28), we left a $5 tip, so it worked out pretty well. We were laughing as we left, dinner for $2.28 (plus the $7 I paid back in January and tip) and now a free movie! Cheap date night!
Our Family Wedding was okay. Not the best, not the worst, but a couple of good laughs. It has a good cast of characters including Regina King, America Ferrara, and Forest Whitaker (really like him!). But overall I would say it is just okay, definitely not a must see.
While we were at dinner, we were discussing plans for the weekend. The boy really wants to go to the Minneapolis Auto Show at the Convention Center, so we decided Friday night would be a good night to go down and check things out since Saturday I have Summit duty and Mink Night and Sunday will undoubtedly be recovery day, plus I have a couple of projects at home I want to work on. He mentioned that he would order the tickets online at work the next day. Before the movie started though, as they sometimes do, the sponsors for the screening (which is usually a radio station) were handing out swag. CD's, DVD's, T-shirts, and what do you know, Auto Show tickets! The boy and I scored a pair, so now we took our $2.28 dinner and free movie, and made it even more worthwhile, paying for our tickets and entertainment the next night!
This should be fun, the boy enjoys his cars, and likes to "sit" in as many cars as he possibly can at the show. We will probably just grab something to eat on our way home. Maybe another groupon at Moto-i or Red Savoy's, who knows!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
1 comment:
Thats AWSOME! I am addicted to the Groupon now. We used to buy those entertainment books but we never used more than 10-20 coupons. $9.28 for 2 days of food and fun, amazing!
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